All employees in New Jersey have the right to work in an environment that is free of sexual harassment. Sexaul harassment is unlawful at both the state and federal levels. If you have been a victim of sexual harassment at the workplace, call our North Jersey Sexual Harassment Lawyers to help protect your rights.
Sexual harassment in New Jersey is unlawful when the harassing conduct or discrimination is so severe or pervasive that it interferes with an employee’s ability to do his or her job, and the workplace has become a hostile work environment.
Recognizing Sexual Harassment
New Jersey Recognizes two tpes of workplace sexual harasssment:
- Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment: Any unwanted sexual advances from authorirt figure, requests for sexual favors as part of the job, and other behavior of a sexual nature that interferes with an employee’s work performance or impacts employment decisions.
- Hostile Work Environment: Conduct severe or pervasive enough to make a reasonable person of the employee’s gender believe that the conditions of employment have been altered and the working environment has become hostile or abusive.
New Jersey sexual harassment does not have to be sexual in nature, but can occur in a varietgy of circumstances. Examples of how sexual harassment could occur:
- The victim and the harasser may be male or female, and they may be the same sex.
- The harasser can be the victim’s supervisor, co-worker, or non-employee
- The victim does not have to be the person harassed, but anyone affected by the offensive conduct
Sue Employer for Hostile Workplace Sexual Harassment
With offices conveniently located in Manhattan and Long Island, we help workplace harassment victims in North Jersey get justice. If you believe you have been the victim of workplace sexual harassment in New Jersey, call the NJ Job Attorneys at 973-245-9990 or contact us online for your free case evaluation of with an experienced North Jersey sexual harassment lawyer.
Protecting the Rights of clients in North Jersey, including but not limited residents in Bergen County, Essex County, Hudson County, Morris County, Passaic County, Sussex County, Union County and Warren County.